HSS004 :N.O.M.-The nature of the mind

The 4 mistakes
Why does it have to be so difficult, even to those who want to discover it, to grasp the depth and the greatness of the Nature Of the Mind? Why does it seem like such a strange and improbable idea?
The teachings speak of 4 mistakes, which prevent us from conceiving the nature of the mind at this moment:

(I)The nature of the mind is too close to be recognized. Just as we are incapable of seeing our own face, it is difficult for the mind to examine its own nature

(II)Its way too deep to measure. No one knows how deep it might be. If we knew, we would have become aware of it on a certain degree.

(III)It's too easy for us to believe in it. In fact, all we have to do is count on the bare, clear acknowledgement of the nature of the mind which is always present.

(IV)It is too great to be classified. Its true greatness is too vast to become adjusted to our own limited way of thinking. We just simply cannot believe it. Neither can we imagine the possibility of the enlightenment being the nature of our own mind.

Mastered by Tim Schultd @ 4CN Studios
Artwork by TEL AVIV Design and Cherie,Capsula and Nasos Creative

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